Module 0: Refresher
Module 1: Representing Position and Orientation In 3D Space
3D Orientations
euler angles, quaternions, axis-angles, rotation matrices
Homogenous Transforms
combining position and orientation into a 6D pose
angular velocity, twist, adjoint
Converting Between Representations
exponential and logarithmic map
Module 2: Perception
Image Formation
pinhole camera model, projective geometry
Multi-View Geometry
seeing the world in stereo
Optical Flow
recovering motion from images
Visual Servo Control
an introduction to image and position-based visual servoing
Module 3: State Estimation
Depth Sensing
an overview of various depth sensing technologies: structured light, ToF, stereo, etc.
3D Reconstruction
dense rgb-d based reconstruction, volumetric fusion
PyBullet: Physics Simulation for Robotics
an intro to pybullet with some example code